Sunday, June 20, 2021

How Companies Can Make Use of Ux Research


User Experience Research (UX research) is all about How people use products or services and how they react to it. As such, UX is the systematic study of user interaction and their preferences, in order to add realistic dimensions and meanings to design patterns. In particular, this includes studying how users navigate between pages or enter and exit a site. The aim is then to understand user needs and desires, and help create interaction channels that would suit them best. By the very nature of interaction design, the interactions need to fit naturally with each other, in order to be maximized.

what is user experience research Eleken

To that end, the focus of ux research should be on the understanding and measurement of these natural interactions. Many times we consider certain tasks as'skipping tasks', which can be extremely frustrating for the researchers. However, in reality there are many ways to model user behaviors, such as skipping back pages in sites. Here are some of the main types of tasks that can be considered as a form of skip:

Skipping ux research tasks means that users do not react strongly to a website's elements and interface, for whatever reason. For example, a user may not be comfortable navigating between pages, so they just abandon the site to go find another simpler one. Another example of this is when people find a product interesting, but it does not function properly. Therefore, in order to understand these findings and suggest solutions, usability tests should be performed on these kind of sites.

A good example of a site with several pages would be an online magazine. Although the site has many pages, only a few of them have links to homepage and purchase buttons, which would be very useful to visitors if they had the ability to skip straight to the top. Therefore, for this case, a usability test should be conducted to make sure that visitors are really going to want to see the homepage or purchase button. A good way to encourage participants is to give out prizes to those who complete the task successfully. This way, the users' interest will be retained, and the research data can be used for the development of the product strategy.

In order to encourage participants in the research, companies can ask them to complete forms or questionnaires in a set number of minutes. After the completion of the questionnaire, users can be sent a link in their email containing a download link to their product brochure or website. However, for it to be truly effective, all forms and questionnaires should be exclusive and targeted towards a single group, so that only specific questions will be asked and only answers from that group will be counted. Moreover, companies should provide enough information for each group to understand how they will be able to access the product or services.

Lastly, companies need to use ux research for corporate strategy. One strategy that many businesses use in order to improve the brand name is by conducting market research. Corporate marketers find conducting research a very useful tool in making decisions. This type of research allows companies to know what their target audience needs and wants. With this knowledge, they can easily create ads and commercials that are likely to attract customers.

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